The Story of Camp Trivera
In 2016, Camp Cookieland was set to take a direct hit from a proposed turnpike. Our beloved camp, funded by previous generations of Girl Scouts with their own cookie money, was going to be drastically impacted. The path of the turnpike could go one of two ways. It could preserve part of the camp but destroy a residential area. Or they could let the turnpike take all the camp and save homes.
We needed to make some tough decisions fast, so we called in girls from across our Council, of various ages and levels, to solve this problem together.
It wasn’t an easy weekend.
Using our Girl Scout advocacy curriculum, they began to tackle this emotionally challenging issue. They had the hard conversations, they approached all sides with equal parts logic and empathy, and they held our leaders accountable.
The work they did was brave and tough. They talked about what their camp dreams were and how to honor the legacy of past scouts. At the end of the weekend, the vote was unanimous.
Save the homes and build a new camp.
Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma took the opportunity to create a new, innovative camp. After countless ideas, surveys, and dream boards were developed, the concept of Camp Trivera was born.
The word Trivera, itself, symbolizes two critical values upheld by all Girl Scouts. The first part of the word, Tri, represents the three parts of the Girl Scout’s mission to build courage, confidence, and character in all girls. Additionally, the triangle is said to be the strongest shape and plays a critical role in the property’s architecture. Girl Scout Brownies also earn triangle-shaped badges. The second part of the word, Vera, means truth or faith, and directly speaks to the essence of all Girl Scout friendships.
At its core, Camp Trivera is meant to be a place for growth and innovation, both for the Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma and for the community. We cannot wait for you to enjoy this unique campus with us!
History of Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma
Our story began over 100 years ago with one woman, Juliette Gordon Low, known as “Daisy” by all her friends. Daisy believed that every girl was special, and special and dedicated her life to advancing and empowering women. Today, Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma’s purpose is to maintain her mission in everything we do. We accomplish this goal by creating programs that help all girls learn fruitful decision-making skills, cultivate positive self-esteem, appreciate the meaning of diversity, and contribute to their communities.
Our council has expanded significantly since it was founded in 1940. Today, Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma is 11,000 members strong and consists of inspiring, high-achieving girls and women in 39 counties throughout central and western Oklahoma.
Take a tour of the world-class facilities
on our gorgeous 19-acre property
– Click on the icons to reveal location or view all accommodations here –

Camp Sites & Trails
Marker 2Pool
Marker 3The Lodge
Marker 4Canoes & Lake Entrance
Marker 5Tree House
Marker 6Hawks Landing Amphitheater
Marker 7
created by dji camera
Thunder Basketball + Multi-Use Court
Marker 8
Camp Entrance